Privacy Policy

The fact that you are reading this shows that privacy issues are becoming a growing concern among mobile

 app users. Therefore, we feel that it is our duty to disclose the way we handle any data that may be collected

 while you are using box brawl stars kids box simulator ("Application"). By using the Application, you are 

deemed to have read and agreed to our privacy policy as described here.


Advertising allows us to provide our content free of charge. We may place banner ads and full-screen ads 

within the Application at places where we deem unobtrusive. We partner with Google Admob and Unity 

ads to deliver advertising contents. In order for advertisers to reach their audience effectively, cookies may

 be used. It is possible to opt out from personalized ads. To understand more, please refer to  

Google's Privacy Policy on Advertising and Unity ads.


We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected 

by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

contact us

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our 

practices, please contact us via email at
